IntelliCheck with accuracy!
Our report indicates if a subject has a felony or misdemeanor filing within the last seven years, or longer if the record includes a legally reportable conviction, for each jurisdiction searched. Completed Reports consist of all available and legally reportable information, typically including case number, arrest date, filling date, disposition date, charges, level of the charges, and final disposition of the charges, and any applicable sentence, penalty and program.
we submits reports to clients via Client’s web portal, third party Software (Accio Data, BackChecked, Deverus, FRS, TazWorks etc) or Report with Reliance Intellicheck Solutions, Inc (IntelliCheck with Accuracy) Disposition sheet. Reliance Intellicheck Solutions, Inc, experience employees carefully Review / Quality Control all pertaining case details and provide accurate and thorough case reports to all our Clients.
Example Reliance Intellicheck Solutions, Inc disposition sheet enclosed for your review:
IntelliCheck with Accuracy Sample County Criminal Case Report (PDF)
IntelliCheck with Accuracy Sample County Civil Case Report (PDF)